Yesterday, I stared playing with a few different markets, namely Mycah's Botanical Bag and Eternal Belt Buckles. I know the market choices might seems weird, seeing as I don't have a blacksmith, and there's a larger herbalism bag out there. Not everyone wants to spend the big bucks for an Emerald Bag though, and a close friend of mine is a blacksmith, so I can have some buckles made.
I decided to look into these markets, as I had a large stockpile of saronite and eternals sitting on my paladin alt, which I leveled ages ago just for jewelcrafting. I was kind of annoyed finding out I had all these materials, as I could've sold them separately on the auction house earlier for a larger profit, but there's no point in crying over spilled milk. Better just make the best of what I have.
So I had a few buckles made, and put them up at 32g a buckle (undercutting the competition by about 4 gold). Most of them sold already, will have to check results when I get home from work.
The Botanical Bag was actually an idea I got from a friend of mine. He had an alt he just wanted a cheap bag on, and he had the materials on an old bank alt. With this, I went to log on my old alchemist, which is a warrior I haven't played on since Sunwell was launched. (I actually just re-activated this account, so I could use him to camp the books in Dalaran needed for the Higher Learning achievment. Two computers, two accounts, double the efficiency!).
I had enough fel lotuses for 4 bags, and the primals needed for Primal Mooncloth were dirt cheap on the auction house, so all that was left was the cloth and the dust. I spent about an hour in Netherstorm, grinding Zaxxis mobs south of Area 52, and had enough materials for 12 Primal Mooncloths. I quickly went to make some cloth (the cooldown is removed, for those who didn't know), and had 3 bags made. I never got to put them up AH, as my internet went down (damn you, unstable ISP!), but will post them today and see what happens.
As a last note for today's post, I would like to thank WoWenomics for spreading the word about my blog. There's nothing quite like checking your blog one day, and see that people are actually reading it. :)
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
Glad to be of assistance. Your blog is well worth the attention. Keep up the good work.