Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A milestone.

Hey everyone, and sorry for not having posted in a while. My computer at work broke down, and had to be fixed. Got it back from service today, finally. Feels like I've been weeks without.

I've managed to sneak in a few hours of WoW at home this week, and a few things has happened.
  • The netherweave bag market is back, wohoo. After a lot of work, it's now back at 8-10g/stack of netherweave, and 15-18g/bag.
  • I dropped out of the enchanting scroll market. The profit margins were way too small, and I don't have time to sit around undercutting my competition every 5 minutes.
  • Epic gems are going strong. Gotta love alchemy. Been getting a couple of x5 procs.
  • I'm about to break the 30k border. This will be achieved either tonight or tomorrow, depending on if I get to play or not.
Now, many people won't think 30k is such a big deal. I guess the most skilled goblin can pull 30k in a week or two, if he puts a little effort into it. To me however, it's a huge step. Before I found the blogs I am now reading, I was sitting at 8-12k, doing dailys to keep my gold stock up, and I was satisfied with that. I'm glad things have changed.

I wouldn't expect me to break the 50k mark anytime soon, but I'm working my way there, slowly. And it's all thanks to the biggest blogs out there, and my readers. Oh, and of course, a pile of M&S.

1 comment:

  1. heya just wanted to say nice blog. will follow and hopefully learn a few tricks. i am also a fellow warlock and have recently started my own blog.

    will follow your blog and good luck with reaching 50K gold

